


  • Typed superset of JavaScript developed by Microsoft

  • It compiles to readable JavaScript

  • The type system disappears during the build step, so there is no runtime penalty

  • By moving some errors from runtime to compile time, it becomes easier and faster to fix them

Configuring TypeScript

  • Flags to the tsc command

tsc src/index.ts --target ES2017 --module commonjs --watch
  • tsconfig.json file

    "compilerOptions": {
        "jsx": "react", // transform TSX files into JSX
        "strict": true, // enable strict features
        "module": "commonjs",
        "allowJs": true, // check and compile JS
        "target": "es2017", // target environment
        "outDir": "lib",
        "declaration": true, // create *.d.ts files
        "sourceMap": true, // create source map for debug
    "include": ["src"], // input files


let x = "hello world"; // x is of type string
x = "hello mars"; // works OK
x = 42; // ERROR - number is not assignable to string

const y = "hello world"; // type is "hello world"
let z; // not initialized, type is any (top type)
z = 41; // allowed because number is subtype of any
z = "abc"; // same as above

let zz: number; // explicit type annotation
zz = 41;
zz = "abc"; // ERROR - string is not assignable to numeber
 let aa: number[] = []; // aa is of type array of number
 aa.push(33); // works OK
 aa.push("abc"); // ERROR - cannot add a string into a number array
let bb: [number, string, string, number] = [
    "Fake Street",
    "Nowhere, USA",
]; // bb is a tuple - array of fixed length

bb = [1, 2, 3]; // ERROR - second and third arguments are string
let cc: { houseNumber: number; streetName: string };
cc = {
    streetName: "Fake Street",
    houseNumber: 123

cc = {
    houseNumber: 33
}; // ERROR - all members are required by default

let dd: { houseNumber: number; streetName?: string };
dd = {
    houseNumber: 33
}; // OK - streetName? is now optional

interface Address {
    houseNumber: number;
    streetName?: string;
let ee: Address = { houseNumber: 33 }; 
export interface HasPhoneNumber {
    name: string;
    phone: number;

export interface HasEmail {
    name: string;
    email: string;

let contactInfo: HasEmail | HasPhoneNumner; // intersection type
contactInfo.name = "Mike"; // we can access only name, because it's in common between the interfaces

let otherContactInfo: HasEmail & HasPhoneNumber = {
    name: "Mike",
    email: "mike@example.com",
    phone: 3215551212
}; // union type - must be initialized with all fields
otherContactInfo.phone; // we can access all


// Classical functions
function sendEmail(to: HasEmail): { recipient: string; body: string } {
    return {
        recipient: `${to.name} <${to.email}>`
        body: "You're pre-qualified for a loan!"

// Arrow-head notation
const sendTextMessage = (
    to: HasPhoneNumber
): { recipient: string; body: string } => {
    return {
        recipient: `${to.name} <${to.phone}>`
        body: "You're pre-qualified for a loan!"
// overload signatures
function contactPeople(method: "email", ...people: HasEmail[]): void;
function contactPeople(method: "phone", ...people: HasPhoneNumber[]): void;

// function implementation
function contactPeople(
    method: "email" | "phone",
    ...people: (HasEmail | HasPhoneNumber)[]
): void {
    if (method === "email") {
        (people as HasEmail[]).forEarch(sendEmail);
    } else {
        (people as HasPhoneNumber[]).forEach(sendTextMessage);
} // overload signatures prevent cases of method "email" but people of type HasPhoneNumber

Interfaces and Type Aliases

type StringOrNumber = string | number;
type HasName = { name: string };
interface HasInternationalPhoneNumber extends HasPhoneNumber {
    countryCode: string;
interface ContactMessenger1 {
    (contact: HasEmail | HasPhoneNumber, message: string): void;

type ContactMessenger2 = (
    contact: HasEmail | HasPhoneNumber,
    message: string
) => void;

const emailer: ContactMessenger1 = (_contact, _message) => {
    /* ... */
interface PhoneNumberDict {
    [numberName: string]:
        | undefined
        | {
            areaCode: number;
            num: number;

const d: PhoneNumberDict = {
    abc: { areaCode: 837; num: 9283123 }

d.jkl // undefined
if (d.abc) { // d.abc is of type undefined | { areaCode: number; num: number }
    d.abc // d.abc is of type { areaCode: number; num: number }


class Contact implements HasEmail {
    email: string;
    name: string;
    constructor(name: string, email: string) {
        this.name = name;
        this.email = email;

class ParamPropContact implements HasEmail {
        public name: string,
        public email: string = "no email"
    ) {
        // nothing needed

class OtherContact implements HasEmail, HasPhoneNumber {
    protected age: number = 0;
        public name: string,
        public email: string,
        public phone: number) {
            this.age = 35;
abstract class AbstractContact implements HasEmail, HasPhoneNumber {
    public abstract phone: number;
    constructor (
        public name: string,
        public email: string
    ) {}
    abstract sendEmail(): void;

class ConcreteConteact extends AbstractContact {
        public phone: number,
        name: string,
        email: string
    ) {
        super(name, email);
    sendEmail() {
        console.log("sending an email");

Converting from JavaScript to TypeScript

  1. Compile project in "loose mode"

    1. start with tests passing

    2. rename all files to .ts, with implicit any

    3. fix only compile errors (do not change behaviour)

    4. get tests passing again

  2. Explicit Any

    1. start with tests passing

    2. add "noImplicitAny": true to tsconfig.json

    3. Where possible, provide a specific and appropriate type (explicit any otherwise)

    4. get tests passing again

  3. Squash explicit anys, enable strict mode

    1. Enable strict mode in tsconfig.json

    2. Replace explicit anys with more appropriate types (incrementally, in small chunks)


interface WrappedValue<X> {
    value: X;

let val: WrappedValue<string> = { value: '' };
val.value; // value is of type string
interface FilterFunction<T = any> {
    (val: T): boolean

const stringFilter: FilterFunction<string> = val => typeof val === "string";
stringFilter(0); // ERROR - 0 is not a string
stringFilter("abc"); // OK

const truthyFilter: FilterFunction = val => val
truthyFilter(0); // false - valid because T is any because there was no type
truthyFilter(1); // true - valid because T is any because there was no type
function arrayToDict<T extends { id: string }>(array: T[]): { [k: string]: T} {
    const out: { [k: string]: T } = {};
    arrayForEach(val => {
        out[val.id] = val; // without extends {id: string} this line will not work
    return out;

Top and Bottom types

let myAny: any = 32; // all values can be assigned to any
let myUnknown: unknown = "hello, unknown"; // all value can be assigned to unknown

myAny.foo.bar.baz; // valid
myUnknown.foo; // ERROR!
if (typeof myUnknown === "string") {
    myUnknown.split(", "); // OK

// user-defined type guards
function isHasEmail(x: any): x is HasEmail {
    return typeof x.name === "string" && typeof x.email === "string";
if (isHasEmail(myUnknown)) {
    // in here, myUnknown is of type HasEmail
    console.log(myUnknown.name, myUnknown.email);
let n: never = 4; // all values can be assigned to never

let x = "abc" as string | number;

if (typeof x === "string") {
    // x is a string here
    x.split(", ");
} else if (typeof x === "number") {
    // x is a number here
} else {
    // x is a never here

Advanced Types

interface CommunicationMethods {
    email: HasEmail;
    phone: HasPhoneNumber;
    fax: { fax: number };

function contact<K extends keyof CommunnicationMethods>(
method: K,
contact: CommunicationMethods[K]
) {
    // ...

type AllCommsKeys = keyof CommunicationMethods
type AllCommValues = CommunicationMethods[keyof CommunicationMethods]
type MayHaveEmail = Partial<HasEmail>;
const me: MayHaveEmail = {}; // everything is optional
type PickA = Pick<{a: 1, b: 2}, "a"};
const y: PickA;
y.a // valid
y.b // ERROR! 




GitHub Repositories

  • TypeStat - Converts JavaScript to TypeScript and TypeScript to better TypeScript



Last updated