A Neural Network in 11 lines of Python - Andrew Trask
A practical introduction to Functional Programming for Python coders - Sachin Joglekar
Async Python: The Different Forms of Concurrency - Abu Ashraf Masnun
AsyncIO for the Working Python Developer - Yeray Diaz
CLI tools hidden in the Python standard library - Simon Willison (Hacker News thread)
Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet - Jure Å orn
Escaping the PyJail - Ludovic Barman
Grok the GIL: How to write fast and thread-safe Python - A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
How Python Asyncio Works: Recreating it from Scratch - Jacob Padilla
How To Write A Spelling Corrector - Peter Norvig
Linear Programming with Python and PuLP - Ben Alex Keen
List of Jupyter Notebooks - Peter Norvig
Not-so-casual Performance Optimization in Python - Nathan Thomas
Profile a section of code with cProfile - Adam Johnson
Python 201: A multiprocessing tutorial - Mike Driscoll
Python behind the scenes - Victor Skvortsov
Python Classes, namedtuples and __slots__ - Mauro de Carvalho
Python Packaging Is Good Now - Glyph Lefkowitz (Reddit thread)
Summary of Major Changes Between Python Versions - Nicholas Hairs
The Design & Implementation of the CPython Virtual Machine - Abhinav Upadhyay
The Five Kinds of Python Functions - Steven F. Lott
The Flask Mega-Tutorial - Miguel Grinberg
The Meaning of Underscores in Python - Dan Bader
Things I’ve learned about building CLI tools in Python - Simon Willison
Threaded Asynchronous Magic and How to Wield It - Cristian Medina
Understanding all of Python, through its builtins - Tushar Sadhwani
Understanding Python Decorators in 12 Easy Steps! - Simeon Franklin
Unicode in Python, Completely Demystified - Kumar McMiIlan
Weird Python "Features" That Might Catch You By Surprise - Martin Heinz
When is Cheryl's Birthday? - Peter Norvig
Writing a 6502 emulator in Python - Dailystuff on the Internet
Effective Python - Brett Slatkin
Fluent Python - Luciano Ramalho
Intuitive Python - David Muller
Practical Python Projects Book - Yasoob Khalid
Practices of the Python Pro - Dane Hillard
Python Distilled - David M. Beazley
Serious Python - Julien Danjou
Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist - Allen B. Downey
Advanced Python Mastery - David Beazley
Practical Python Programming - David Beazley
GitHub repositories
decompyle3 - Python decompiler
Python Koans - Learn Python through TDD
Pytudes - Peter Norvig
uncompyle6 - Python decompiler
Hacker News threads
Cython - C Extensions for Python
IronPython - Python for .NET
Jython - Python for the Java Virtual Machine
LPython - High performance typed Python compiler
Arcade - game development
bandit - security issue scanner
CustomTkinter - UI library based on Tkinter
Dear PyGui - GUI toolkit built with Dear ImGui
docopt - command-line interface description language
Flet - web-based UI powered by Flutter
Loguru - Python logging made (stupidly) simple
MkDocs - project documentation with Markdown
NiceGUI - web-based UI
Nuitka - Python to executable compiler
peewee - simple and small ORM
Poetry - dependency management and packaging
py2wasm - Python to Wasm compiler
Announcing py2wasm: A Python to Wasm compiler - Syrus Akbary, Wasmer
pydantic - data validation
PySide6 - Qt for Python
Pyxel - A retro game engine for Python
ReactPy - It's React, but in Python
Sanic - async web server/framework
Sphinx - documentation generator
Streamlit - web-based UI
vprof - visual profiler
wxPython - GUI toolkit for Python
Z3 - theorem prover
An Introduction to Property Based Testing - Alex Chan
Building native Rust modules for Python - Arthur Pastel
Combining Rust and Python: The Best of Both Worlds? - ArjanCodes
Generators, coroutines and nanoservices - Reuven M. Lerner
Python Library Development - Vitor Baptista
Rusty Python - Robin Raymond
So you think you can PDB? - Clayton Parker
What is a Coroutine Anyway? - John Reese
Dis This - Online Python disassembler
futuecoder - learn python from scratch
Practical Python Programming - David Beazley
PyFlo - The beginners guide to becoming a Python programmer
Python Tutor - Visualize code execution
Last updated
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