NASM Tutorial - Ray Toal
How is a binary executable organized? Let's explore it! - Julia Evans
The faker's guide to reading (x86) assembly language - Tim Misiak
Assembly Language Step-by-Step: Programming with Linux - Jeff Duntemann
Assembly Language Succinctly - Christopher Rose
Assembly Programming and Computer Architecture for Software Engineers - Brian R. Hall, Kevin J. Slonka
Easy 6502 - Nick Morgan
Learn to Program with Assembly - Jonathan Bartlett (GitHub)
Programming from the Ground Up - Jonathan Bartlett
The Art of Assembly Language - Randall Hyde
Architecture 1001: x86-64 Assembly - OpenSecurityTraining2
Architecture 2001: x86-64 OS Internals - OpenSecurityTraining2
GitHub Repositories
armips - An assembler for various ARM and MIPS platforms
Hacker News threads
CPUlator - Computer System Simulator
Putting the "You" in CPU - Lexi Mattick
YouTube Channels
YouTube Videos
x86 Assembly Crash Course - HackUCF
Last updated
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