Algorithms & Data Structures
Bloom Filters - Sam Rose
Visualizing Algorithms - Mike Bostocks
A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms - Jan Wengrow
Algorithmics: The Spirit of Computing - David Harel, Yishai Feldman
Algorithms - Jeff Erickson
Algorithms - Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne
Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs - Niklaus Wirth
Clever Algorithms: Nature-Inspired Programming Recipes - Jason Brownlee
Introduction to Algorithms - Thomas Cormen, Charles Leiserson, Ronald Rivest, Clifford Stein
Introduction to Algorithms: A Creative Approach - Udi Manber
The Algorithm Design Manual - Steven Skiena
Advanced Data Structures - Erik Demaine, MIT
Algorithms, Part I - Kevin Wayne, Robert Sedgewick
Algorithms, Part II - Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne
Analysis of Algorithms - Robert Sedgewick
Analysis of Algorithms - Steven Skiena
Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms - Rashid Bin Muhammad, Kent State University
GitHub Repositories
AlgorithmsAndDataStructure - C++ and Python
Cosmos - World's largest Contributor driven code dataset
Hacker News Threads
Algorithmica - Sergey Slotin
Data Structure Visualisation - David Galles, University of San Francisco
IDEA - nonverbal algorithm assembly instructions
Last updated
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