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It's very clear from both animal and human studies that time-restricted feeding can have a very powerful and positive impact
When you eat is as important as what you eat
It's very important that the feeding window happens during the more active phase of the day - eating during the nocturnal phase of the 24-hour cycle is detrimental
Don't have food for the first hour after you wake up, and the two/three hours before bedtime
It's best to extend the sleep related fast either into the morning or start it in the evening
Alternate day fasting (eating one day, fasting the following day) seems to be the most effective for weight loss and blood glucose regulation
7 Surprising Ways to Speed Up Fat-Burning (AND LOSE WEIGHT FASTER)
Exercise less but with more intensity (HIIT)
Fat burning happens when resting, not when exercising
Over-training could block fat loss
Drink one tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) in water one hour before bed
Slows down glyconeogenesis, which is the ability of the liver to create new sugars
Better sleep
Vitamin D3 and B1 before bed
Taking a 30 minute nap during the day
Lower stress
Stress increases cortisol, cortisol increases insulin, insulin stops fat loss
Get exposure to sun (especially in the morning) increases melatonin, which helps lowering cortisol
Doing physical work in the house/yard helps way more to lower stress than physical exercise
Consistent with low carb
A1C tests check the average of the last 3 months
Intermittent fasting
Consuming more fat at the beginning of a fasting program helps to fast for longer periods of time
Nutrient dense keto foods
10 Warning Signs Your CORTISOL Is Way Too High!
Weight Gain
Blood Sugar
Appetite & Cravings
Frequent Infections
Menstrual Period
Muscle Weakness
Easy Bruising
Slow Healing
Top 10 Things You Must Do To Lose Belly Fat Fast
Reduce insulin by reducing carbs consumption
Reduce hunger by eating fat and protein
Check proper functioning of thyroid
Rule out anemia
Consume MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) for quick energy
Consume apple cider vinegar (ACV) daily
Get better nutries by eating healthy whole foods
Do intense and short periods of exercise, fast, and get good sleep
Reduce stress with meditation
Top 10 Things You Must NEVER Do To Lose BELLY FAT
Ignore Gut Health
Be Sedentary
Miss Sleep
Ignore Chronic Stress
Ignore Obesogens
Excess Vegetable Oil
Artificial Sweeteners
Eat All Day
Excess Alcohol
High Sugar Diet
How to ACTUALLY Lose Belly Fat (Based on Science)
The key to losing belly fat is getting into a caloric deficit consistently and doing it for long enough
You should be eating the 20 foods you like the most, because that would help you stick with the diet, but those 20 foods need to be drawn from the main six groups (high protein, fats, vegetable, starch, milk, fruits) - usually 3 from each group, with two wild cards
Protein has the highest energetic cost of processing within the body
Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) is the second largest contributor to daily energy expenditure
Sleep is also important when it comes to losing weight - studies have shown that people that sleep at least 7 hours per night lose more belly fat and less muscle than people sleeping 5 hours per night
Last updated
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